POTI-COTISPO resident courses managed by KROSS
Course 1 - GLOBAL TERRORISM (GT) This course is designed to offer students an introduction to the complex topic of global terrorism. The lectures are organized in brainstorming meetings, in which the students will receive a complete view of the following aspects related to terrorism:
Course 3 - HUMAN SECURITY and CIVIL-MILITARY COORDINATION (CIMIC) This course is designed to offer to the students an introduction to Human Security (HUMSEC) and Civil-military coordination (CIMIC) with the purpose to apply HUMSEC concepts to CIMIC. The theoretical framework is offered by a Critical Security Studies approach in which HUMSEC and CIMIC found their interaction in dealing with “complex emergencies”. For the above reason the course is organized in four models.
CIMIC is a crucial function in any complex peace operation because it is a 'force-multiplier' that contributes to the mission achieving a system-wide impact on the conflict system it is attempting to transform. The CIMIC module present at the same time the US Army approach to CIMIC and the case study is “NATO's Comprehensive Approach to Civil - Military Cooperation for Crisis Response Operations Management". Students will find this course useful as it will improve their understanding of the institutional cooperation that needs to occur between mission components, and between the mission and the rest of the system, in order to ensure a sustainable peace process. Course Leader: Dr. Giovanni Ercolani, POTI Thesis Adviser, e-mail: drercolani [at] yahoo.co.uk Textbooks: Students will receive the official POTI e-Textbooks:
Get certified by POTI
Earning a Certificate of Completion from the “Peace Operations Training Institute-POTI” By the end of the course, and upon the payment of a nominal fee, students who have achieved a passing grade of 75% or higher in the POTI courses online final exam(“POTI Global Terrorism Online Final Exam”, “POTI Peacekeeping and International Conflict Resolution Online Final Exam”, and “POTI CIMIC Online Final Exam”) are awarded a Certificate-of-Completion from the “Peace Operations Training Institute”. College and ACCP Credits: The U.S. Army Institute for Professional Development (AIPD) has reviewed POTI Courses and determined they merit Army Correspondence Course Program (ACCP) credits. US personnel who complete POTI courses may have these ACCP credits recorded in their US Army personnel records. Transfer Credit: The “American Military University” recognises the POTI Certificates for their undergraduate degree programs: American Military University and POTI |